Drinking stick with jute bag, travel stick DUCK, animal head bird, duck, brass, stick hardwood brown, walking stick, divisible, secret compartment, ladies, gentlemen, rubber buffer

Artikelnummer 2131-PK

Standard length: 90 cm
Load capacity: kg
Weight: 460 g
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

This noble gift stick from Stockshop.de consists of a total of five parts. The handle made of solid cast brass in the shape of a duck's head can be easily unscrewed from the stick using a metal thread.
Underneath there is a hidden flask with about 2 cl in a secret compartment. The reagent tube sits securely on an internal spring, so that it is protected against vibrations and it can be easily removed after unscrewing the handle.
The stick itself can be unscrewed into three parts using two brass threads. When completely unscrewed, the travel bag-compatible length is 34 cm. When screwed together, the stick is approx. 90 cm long. It is supplied with a rubber buffer at the end.
This walking stick is not suitable as a medical walking aid, it is only suitable for strolling or for decoration
Beautiful gift bag from Stockshop.de made of black jute fabric with white print CARPE DIEM and sturdy wooden handles. Length approx. 40 cm, height approx. 35 cm, width approx. 12 cm.
The right packaging for your gift. (Item No. 9595)

Gift bundle walking stick plus jute bag as gift packaging with a price advantage
Walking stick with brass pommel, bird duck motif, sturdy hardwood stick, length approx. 90cm
Made according to the old model with a hidden hip flask (approx. 2cl)
Jute gift bag with wooden handles, CARPE DIEM imprint, LxHxW approx. 40x35x12
This walking stick is not suitable as a medical walking aid, it is only suitable for strolling or for decoration

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